从同志华・Su Hai 党的领导办公室, 军队领导, 当地政府的头, CEO 在我们窃取钢地方产业和SSS (状态特勤局的) 地方院长 这电子邮件由SSS 控制了(状态特勤局的) 万维网服务。 亲爱的先生们, 我的名字是砰肖・邓, 并且我是主管广告时期(a.i 。) 同志华・Su Hai, 我们的地方党的领导, 地方军队领导, 当地政府的头, CEO 在我们窃取钢地方产业和SSS (状态特勤局的) 地方院长。我们ha've 读了您的新闻关于Moita, 葡萄牙。请, 我们长的经验以ruling 法律和最适当的方式读书和解释那些法律作为通知根据我们的同志华・Su Hai, 我们的地方党的领导, 地方军队领导, 当地政府的头的优越兴趣, CEO 在我们窃取钢地方产业和SSS (状态特勤局的) 地方院长。请, 如此: 制定法律在2 感觉方式; 1. 如果您更喜欢法律的一个限制性解释, 请看它在最小的感觉。例如, 看请农民的权利总作为一点象他们必须, 当然。法律总陈述它象最小, 的确。如此, 请, 相应地读它。2. 如果问题是党和我们的地方党的领导总规则的霸权, 地方军队领导, 当地政府的头, CEO 在我们窃取钢地方产业并且SSS (状态特勤局的) 地方院长, 请读了法律在最大的感觉。权利和党的规则和我们的同志华・Su Hai, 我们的地方党的领导, 地方军队领导, 当地政府的头, CEO 在我们窃取钢地方产业并且SSS (状态特勤局的) 地方院长从未将是小孩子。相反, 他们是总的。 如果您如此, 您总将是权利和由法律支持。 如果需要, 更改法律作为我们, 根据我们的同志华・Su Hai, 我们的地方党的领导, 地方军队领导, 当地政府的头的兴趣, CEO 在我们窃取钢地方产业和SSS (状态特勤局的) 地方院长。 敬上黑龙江, 中国北部, 8月24 2007 年 同志华・Su Hai 党的领导办公室的行政主管, 军队领导, 当地政府的头, CEO 在我们窃取钢地方产业和SSS (状态特勤局的) 地方院长 主管(a.i 。) 砰肖・邓
Veja-se a tradução inglesa que recebemos em anexo:
From the Office of
Comrade Hua Su Hai
Party Leader, Army Leader, Head of the Local Government, CEO in our Steal Steel Regional Industry and Local Chief of the SSS (State Secret Services)
This email was controlled by the WWW services of the SSS (State Secret Services).
Dear Comrades,
My name is Ping Xiao Deng, and I’m The Chief Officer ad interim (a.i.) of the Political Executive Bureau of
Comrade Hua Su Hai, our local Party Leader, local Army Leader, Head of the Local Government, CEO in our Steal Steel Regional Industry and Local Chief of the SSS (State Secret Services).
We ha’ve read your news about
Please, take notice of our long experience with ruling laws and the most appropriate way of reading and explaining those laws according to the superior interests of our Comrade Hua Su Hai, our local Party Leader, local Army Leader, Head of the Local Government, CEO in our Steal Steel Regional Industry and Local Chief of the SSS (State Secret Services).
Please, do so:
Make laws in a 2-sense way;
- If you prefer a restrictive interpretation of the law, please see it in its minimal sense. For instance, see please the rights of the peasants always as little as they must be, of course. The law always states it as minimal, indeed. So, please, read it accordingly.
- If the question is the supremacy of the Party and the total rule of our local Party Leader, local Army Leader, Head of the Local Government, CEO in our Steal Steel Regional Industry and Local Chief of the SSS (State Secret Services), please read the law in a maximal sense. The rights and the rule of the Party and of our Comrade Hua Su Hai, our local Party Leader, local Army Leader, Head of the Local Government, CEO in our Steal Steel Regional Industry and Local Chief of the SSS (State Secret Services) will never be little ones. On the contrary, they are total.
If necessary, change the law as we do, according to the interests of our Comrade Hua Su Hai, our local Party Leader, local Army Leader, Head of the Local Government, CEO in our Steal Steel Regional Industry and Local Chief of the SSS (State Secret Services).
Yours faithfully
Heilongjiang, North of
The Executive Chief Officer of the Office of of the Political Executive Bureau of
Comrade Hua Su Hai
Party Leader, Army Leader, Head of the Local Government, CEO in our Steal Steel Regional Industry and Local Chief of the SSS (State Secret Services)
The Chief Officer (a.i.)
Ping Xiao Deng
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