sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

Haverá pior governo local em Portugal do que na Moita?...Bela carta recebida do Zimbabwe. Contudo, não pode ser considerada, por ser estrangeiro.

Message from
The Office of Mr Mubert Rogabe, Party Leader, Local Police Chief and Head of the Regional Authority in the Province of Manicaland, Zimbabwe

To the President of Moita,

On behalf of our Leader, Mr Mubert Rogabe, Party Leader, Local Police Chief and Head of the Regional Authority in the Province of Manicaland, I’m glad to let you know how sorry we got when we learned the personal and political difficulties you are experimenting in your home region, at Moita, Portugal.

That’s the reason why our Leader, Mr Mubert Rogabe, Party Leader, Local Police Chief and Head of the Regional Authority in the Province of Manicaland, has decided I should contact you and let you know how successfully we lead the destinies of our Manicaland Province.

Listen please:
We have accepted as wonderful and perfect the testimony of our Chinese Advisers and Experts here in the Province.
They come from a country under the rule of a Communist Party, we know, that’s not fine.
Nevertheless, their policies and suggests are so friendly and so communist-opposed that our Leader, Mr Mubert Rogabe, Party Leader, Local Police Chief and Head of the Regional Authority in the Province of Manicaland, has decided to implement them all.

The Chinese Advisers and Experts say to us:
Accept please the correct policy of 1 Province, 2 political and economical systems, and establish it quite fully all over the Province.
Do so:

  1. As far as freedoms, civil rights, democracy, people’s participation, the total rule of the Party and secret police are concerned, let the Province be a socialist one-party rule region, under the strict control of your party, your secret police and your truthfully yesmen. About secret police, if you have none, establish an unofficial secret service as soon as you can. Do it properly and right now. Then, start controlling for instance public libraries and

    the people who attend those culture and political dangerous locals.

  2. As far as other more practical and economical matters are concerned, as gold, and silver and diamonds industry, and other economical interests too, like personal and very restrictive oligarchy and bank accounts, in the country or abroad, let the free market fully be established and let it work with absolutely no restrictions.
The Province will so be an example of a land where the 2 systems work together side by side, for the good and the progress of you yourselves.

If you have no gold, nor silver neither diamonds, try to do it quite the same way with what else you have that may be purchased at a very low price at its origin, and that may be sold at a price some thousand times higher by you and your fellows to the final customers.
Do your job please, find the way, get the product.
You surely have something like that.
Land, rural land under bush and environmental severe restrictions, for instance, that works fully properly.
Do it.

Everything works if you do it properly as our Chinese Advisers and Experts say it daily to us.

Regarding the laws, see please the best following advice:

  1. In general, try to let them be socialist and communist style, with lots of rights and democratic procedures inside. That’s the way the people and the peasants like it.

  2. However, regarding everything that must be done, read the law your way or do it for sure out-of-law and most important allow nobody to speak of it.

Propaganda and yesmen generally accept it easy.

Outside that circle, however, difficulties may occur.
If there are some who do insist, let them speak alone, never answer their questions and proposals and shoot them as soon as you can, politically or more practically, you decide.

Our Leader, Mr Mubert Rogabe, Party Leader, Local Police Chief and Head of the Regional Authority in the Province of Manicaland, has been informed that a delegation of Chinese Comrades will attend a political Festival in your Country, not far away from Moita Region, in the beginning of September this year. He has got the news that the Head Representative will be a former adviser here in Manicaland Province.

Please, write us back if you want us to ask that Chinese Officer to visit and advise you personally during the stay, it might be a good help for you, I suppose.
Of course, a good help if you didn’t yet know the most of these policies, I pretend.

Accept please the warmest regards of our Leader, Mr Mubert Rogabe, Party Leader, Local Police Chief and Head of the Regional Authority in the Province of Manicaland.

Yours faithfully
August the 25 th, 2007

Kali Manjare,
Office Head Officer

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Neste espaço surgirão artigos e notícias de fundo, pautadas por um propósito: o respeito pela Lei, a luta contra a escuridão. O âmbito e as preocupações serão globais. A intervenção pretende ser local. Por isso, muito se dirá sobre outras partes, outros problemas e preocupações. Contudo, parte mais significativa dos temas terá muito a ver com a Moita, e a vida pública nesta terra. A razão é uma: a origem deste Blog prende-se com a resistência das gentes da Várzea da Moita contra os desmandos do Projecto de Revisão do PDM e contra as tropelias do Processo da sua Revisão, de 1996 até ao presente (2008...) Para nos contactar, escreva para varzeamoita@gmail.com